APRIL 2, 2003





Board members present: Bruce Kullgren Sr., Rae Barnhisel, A. Pickman, M. Connolly, R. Martin, R. Whitcomb, A. Pickman, Ex-Officio B. Kantner


Call to Order by B. Kullgren at 7:35 p.m.        


  1. Review of March 19, 2003 minutes.  Move by Pickman to approve the minutes as amended, second by Martin and voted in the unanimous affirmative.


  1. Tedd Petro met with the Board to discuss his concerns about the population projection of 59% in the next 20 years made by SWRPC.  Kullgren informed Petro and the Board that Eric Twarog of SWRPC had recently given him a revised projection of 27% over the next 20 years.  Petro asked the Board what the effect of fewer children from Temple in the school district is.  Pickman explained that the school taxes are based 50% on total assessed value and 50% average daily attendance.


  1. Kullgren informed the Board that the Lukas Foundation would like to revise their site plan for their planned additions.  They have discovered they need to move one building due to the soil conditions.  There was discussion on how to handle this request.  The Board agreed that they would need to see the new site plan, and there may be a minor review.


  1. Kullgren informed the Board that Cliff Robbins would like to create a PRD on M 01 L 005-B and add another house to the property.  The Board discussed the PRD regulations.  Kullgren asked if the Board would agree to let him inform Robbins that the frontage and acreage requirements are met and that if he meets the other PRD requirements he may apply for the PRD.  The Board agreed to that Kullgren could contact Robbins.


  1. Review of the 3/24/03 draft of the population & housing chapter of the master plan presented by A. Pickman and Connie Kieley.  The Board discussed adding back the original graph #2, which had been deleted.  The Board voted 4 to 3 abstentions to leave the original graph #2 out.  The Board agreed to add the original table #3 back into the chapter, with the revised information from SWRPC.  There was discussion of changing graph #3 to a logarithmic graph.  The majority of the Board preferred to leave graph #3 as it appears and add a logarithmic graph, this was voted 5 in favor and 2 against.  The Board agreed to add building permit information and certificate of occupancy information from 1997 to the present.


  1. The draft land use chapter was reviewed.  The Board agreed that the history should be moved to a separate chapter.


  1. Move by Martin to adjourn, second by Kantner, meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.





Minutes submitted by Debra Harling.