OCTOBER 16, 2002
Board members
present: Bruce Kullgren Sr., Randy Martin, Ted Petro, Rae Barnhisel, Ex-Officio
Sherry Fiske
Call to Order by
B. Kullgren at 7:45 p.m.
1. Review of the 10/2/2002 minutes. Move by Petro to accept the minutes as amended, second by Barnhisel and voted in the unanimous affirmative.
2. Review of mail received since last meeting. There was material on several planning workshops sponsored by the NH Office of State Planning. Kullgren suggested that anyone interested in attending any workshop sign up with the Office of State Planning.
3. The Board finished the review of the Population & Housing portion of the Master Plan. The changes were recorded by Debra Harling and will be forwarded to Eric Twarog at SWRPC. The updated Traffic and Transportation section was reviewed. There were some minor errors that need to be corrected on pages 3, 8, 9, 11 and 14. These pages will also be forwarded to Eric Twarog for correction. The Traffic and Transportation section will be given to the committee for their review. Review of the Economic Environment, Community Facilities and Construction Materials will be tentatively scheduled for the November 6, 2002 meeting.
Move by Fiske to
adjourn, second by Martin. Meeting
adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
submitted by Debra Harling.