Board members present: Bruce Kullgren Sr., Alan Pickman, Martin Connolly,

Ex Officio Sherry Fiske


Call to order by B. Kullgren at 7:55 p.m. 


1.             Board reviewed Mr. Doyle’s application for lot line adjustment. He was represented by Atty. Silas Little.  It was noted he needs to change Note 3 on the drawing to indicate that lot 38 is partially in the historic district.  Discussion will follow on 6/19/02. Board received $36.00 (9 notices x $4) for abutters notices. 


2.             Planning Board reviewed a letter from the Lukas Foundation asking for a Site Plan Review.  Bruce Kullgren will call Mr. Spears and request him to bring his plans to the 6/19/02 meeting with an abutters list and abutters labels.  Discussion followed on any other needed materials.


3.             Discussion on May 15 minutes followed.  Motion by Alan Pickman, seconded by Sherry Fiske to accept minutes.  Voted affirmative.


4.             Board reviewed a letter from the Selectmen regarding quasi-judicial role of the Planning Board and an update on Mr. Messina’s decision from the court.  Board will review the letter.


5.             Board received a draft letter from Eric Twarog on the agreement between Southwest Planning Commission and the Town of Temple.  Discussion followed.  Planning Board reviewed changes submitted for the basic studies portion of the Master Plan.  B. Kullgren will call Eric to discuss the time frame for the 6/19/02 meeting and the changes received for the Master Plan.  M. Connolly will review the changes to the Natural Resources chapter and bring recommendations to the 6/19/02 meeting.


6.             8:35 p.m. Christopher Ross came in to address a sign issue on his property.  He explained he has two 4’ x 4’ signs on his property and explained the construction of the signs.  He miscalculated the square foot requirements and was looking for approval of the signs.  B. Kullgren explained that the Planning Board has no enforcement authority and Mr. Ross would need to go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance.  A. Pickman read the regulations.  Mr. Ross asked if the Planning Board was requiring him to remove the signs.  B. Kullgren said no, and asked if Mr. Ross had been notified by the Selectmen.  S. Fiske said the Selectmen had sent a letter the day before.  S. Fiske explained the signs could be cut in half to meet the requirements.  Mr. Ross said he would consider options.  B. Kullgren explained this issue was not personal but it is a town regulation.  Mr. Ross also wished to express displeasure with Rae Barnhisel.  He wanted the Planning Board to address the fact she wrote to his realtor.  He threatened a restraining order or lawsuit against R. Barnhisel.  John Bauchat asked for specific dates of past problems.  Mr. Ross said he did not have that information with him.  B. Kullgren affirmed that R. Barnhisel was acting as a citizen and not as a Planning Board member.  He suggested that Mr. Ross modify his signs, sell his building lots, and take a vacation.  S. Fiske asked Mr. Ross if he was informing potential buyers of the existence of the old town landfill.  Mr. Ross did not believe he had a responsibility to inform people.  S. Fiske reminded him, it was in his original subdivision paperwork, that he would show the landfill on maps of the PRD (planned residential development).  B. Kullgren told Mr. Ross to remind potential buyers that abutting people are happy and healthy.  Mr. Ross said he was angry about the whole situation.  Discussion followed.  B. Kullgren felt the Planning Board should notify the Selectmen of this incident.  M. Connolly felt R. Barnhisel was harassing Mr. Ross and wanted it on record as such.  B. Kullgren offered to set up an appointment with the Selectmen to discuss the matter.


                S. Fiske motioned, seconded by A. Pickman to adjourn meeting, adjourned 9:20 p.m.


                Minutes submitted by Sherry Fiske