Town Meeting 2006
Article 5:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Twenty Five Thousand dollars ($25,000.00) for the purpose of refurbishing
the Fire Department Rescue Truck. (Selectmen recommend 2 to 1)
Passed by voice vote
Article 6:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum $1,216,322.00
for town charges as the operating budget and other necessary maintenance and operating expenditures.
Ammended to read: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum $1,241,522.00
for town charges as the operating budget and other necessary maintenance and operating expenditures.
Passed by voice vote
Article 7:
To hear the reports of agents, auditors, and committees or officers heretofore chosen.
No action needed
Article 8:
To see if the Town will vote to permanently protect the Chris Weston
Conservation Area (reference Map 2 Lots 41,41-1 and 41-2) by placing a conservation
easement on the land. Such easement to be held by the Monadnock Conservancy (or other
qualified non-profit land conservation organization) and would guarantee public access;
other access (hunting, motor vehicles, etc.) would be under the control of the Selectmen.
Any costs of the easement would be met through the T own' s Conservation Fund subject to a
public hearing and confirmation by the Selectmen. (Submitted by petition)
Passed by voice vote
Article 9:
To see if the Town, pursuant to RSA 79-A:25, will vote to place 50%
of the revenues from all future payments of land use change tax collected pursuant to
RSA 79-A into the Town's conservation fund previously created in accordance with RSA 36-A.
(Submitted by Petition)
Passed by secret ballot vote; Yes - 112, No - 88
Article 10:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten
Thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the purpose of continuing the development of the new cemetery
on Gen. Miller Highway. (Selectmen recommend 2 to 1).
Failed by voice vote
Article 11:
Shall the Town of Temple change the method of selection of Zoning Board
of Adjustment members from being appointed by the Board of Selectmen to being elected by
adopting the provisions of RSA 673:3, II. Zoning Board of Adjustment members who are elected
shall be elected for the term provided under RSA 673:5, II. The terms of appointed members of
the Zoning Board of Adjustment in office on the effective date of an affirmative decision to elect
such board members shall not be affected by the decision. However, when the term of each member
expires, each new members shall be elected at the next regular municipal election by Official Ballot.
(Submitted by Petition)
Failed by a show of voter cards
Article 12:
To see if the Town will vote to request the Board of Selectmen to bring
to the town, by Warrant Article at an annual or special Town Meeting, any and all land
Conservation Easements or Acquisition contracts that would require expenditure from the Town of
Temple general fund or the Conservation Fund for approval of the Conservation Easement or
Acquisition and expenditure of said funds by the voters of the Town of Temple. (It is
understood by the undersigned voters that this warrant article would be advisory only as
State of N .H. RSA's allow authorization by the Conservation Commission of expenditure of
Conservation Funds with the approval of the local Governing body). (Submitted by Petition)
Failed by voice vote
Article 13:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
Twenty Thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for the purpose of repair and renovation of the
Municipal Building roof. (Selectmen recommend).
Failed by voice vote
Article 14:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($6,500.00) for the purchase of
bleachers for the ball field on NH RT 45. (Selectmen recommend).
Ammended to read: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six
Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($6,500.00) for the purchase of bleachers for the ball fields.
(Selectmen recommend).
Passed by voice vote
2006 Election Results