Temple, NHTemple, NHTemple, NH
Select Board
Town Clerk
Planning Board
Zoning Board
Conservation Commission
Budget Advisory
CIP Committee
Historic District Commission
Recreation Commission
Quarter Millennium Birthday Committee
Temple Economical Energy Committee
Town Meeting & Elections
Town Meeting 2010

Article 4:

To see if the Town will vote to create an expendable trust fund under the provisions of RSA 31:19-a, to be known as the Asphalt and Paving Expendable Trust Fund, for the Purpose of asphalting and paving roads and to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for this fund and to name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend from this fund.
(Selectmen Recommend)

Passed by voice vote

Article 5:

To see if the Town will vote to create an expendable trust fund under the provisions of RSA 31:19-a, to be known as the Highway Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance and Repair Expendable Trust Fund, for the Purpose of highway vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair and to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for this fund and to name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend from this fund.
(Selectmen Recommend)

Passed by voice vote

Article 6:

To see if the Town will vote to create an expendable trust fund under the provisions of RSA 31:19-a, to be known as the Fire Department Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Expendable Trust Fund, for the Purpose of Fire Department vehicle maintenance and repair and to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand dollars ($3,000.00) for this fund and to name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend from this fund.
(Selectmen Recommend)

Passed voice vote

Article 7:

To see if the Town will vote to create an expendable trust fund under the provisions of RSA 31:19-a, to be known as the Town Building Maintenance and Repair Expendable Trust Fund, for the Purpose of town building maintenance and repair and to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for this fund and to name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend from this fund.
(Selectmen Recommend)

Passed by voice vote

Article 8:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,215,771.00 for town charges as the operating budget and other necessary maintenance and operating expenditures.
(Selectmen Recommend)

Passed secret ballot vote; Yes - 138, No - 24

Article 9:

To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the 2008 Celebration Capital Reserve Fund, created by Article 11, March 17, 2007 Town Meeting for the purpose of the Town's Birthday Celebration in 2008. Said funds, with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the Temple General Fund.
(By Petition)

Passed by voice vote (unanimous)

Article 10:

To see if the Town will vote to establish a Recreation Revolving Fund pursuant to RSA 35-B:2 II. The money received from fees and charges for recreation programs and donations shall be allowed to accumulate from year to year, and shall not be considered to be part of the Town's general fund. The Town Treasurer shall have custody of all monies in the fund and shall pay out the same pursuant to the policy developed by the Town (upon order of the Board of Selectmen). The funds may be expended only for recreation purposes as stated in RSA 35-B, and no expenditures shall be made in such a way as to require the expenditure of other town funds that have not been appropriated for that purpose.
(By Petition)

Passed by voice vote (unanimous)

Article 11:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand dollars ($30,000.00) to be placed in the Bridge Capital Reserve Fund previously established by Article 12, March 17, 2007 Town Meeting.
(Selectmen Recommend 2-1)

Tabled by voice vote

Article 12:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand dollars ($350,000.00) (Gross Budget) for the purpose of construction of the Putnam Road Bridge and to authorize the selectmen to apply for, obtain and accept any federal, state or other aid if any which may be available for the Project, said appropriation is entirely contingent upon a maximum of $280,000 or 80% of the actual cost being approved and funded by any such aid.
(Selectmen Recommend 2-1)

Tabled by voice vote

Article 13:

Article 13: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixteen Thousand dollars ($16,000.00), which is 38% of the total cost, to purchase and equip a new police cruiser. This purchase is dependent on passage of a similar article by the Town of Greenville for the remaining cost of the cruiser (62%).
(Selectmen Recommend)

Ammended to read:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Six dollars ($12,656.00), which is 38% of the total cost, to purchase and equip a new police cruiser. This purchase is dependent on passage of a similar article by the Town of Greenville for the remaining cost of the cruiser (62%).

Passed by voice vote

Article 14:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) to support the Contoocook Valley Transportation Cooperative. (This expenditure would become part of the budget in subsequent years.)
(Selectmen Recommend)

Passed by voice vote

Article 15:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Thousand dollars ($40,000.00) (Gross Budget) to purchase and install generators at the Municipal Building/Fire Station and Town Hall/Highway Garage/Library complex and to authorize the Selectmen to apply for, obtain and accept any federal, state of other aid, if any which may be available for the Project, said appropriation is entirely contingent upon a grant of $20,000 being approved and funded by any such aid.
(Selectmen Recommend 2-1)

Passed secret ballot vote; Yes - 115, No - 54

Article 16:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to create an East Cemetary Extension Capital Researve Fund, for the purpose of creating and expanding the land on the easterly side of the East Cemetary donated by the Clinkenbeards and accepted March 8, 1994 as a new cemetery, and further to appoint the Selectmen as agents to expend from this fund.
(Selectmen Do Not Recommend 2-1)

Failed by secret ballote vote; Yes - 26, No - 137

Article 17:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy Five Thousand dollars ($75,000.00) to purchase and equip a truck for the Fire Department to be used as a Brush Truck/First Response Vehicle and to authorize the Selectmen to trade in or sell the 1985 Chevy Dump Truck/Forestry Truck and to authorize the issuance of not more than $75,000 in bonds or notes in accordance with the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon. (2/3 Ballot vote required)
(Selectmen Do Not Recommend 2-1)

Ammended to read:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy Five Thousand dollars ($75,000.00) to purchase and equip a truck for the Fire Department to be used as a Brush Truck/First Response Vehicle and to authorize the Selectmen to trade in or sell the 1985 Chevy Dump Truck/Forestry Truck.

Passed by secret ballot vote; Yes - 109, No - 64

Article 18:

Are you in favor of adopting the provisions of the State of New Hampshire RSA's Chapter 79-F "Taxation of farm structures and land under farm structures". The full text of this provision is on file with the Town Clerk, Municipal building, Route 45, Temple, NH or on the web at NH.gov.
(By petition)

Passed by secret ballot vote; Yes - 101, No - 59

Article 19:

To see if the Town will vote to approve the following resolution to be forwarded to our State Representative(s), our State Senator, the Speaker of the House, and the Senate President. Resolved: The citizens of New Hampshire should be allowed to vote on an amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution that defines "marriage".
(By petition)

Tabled by voice vote

Article 20:

The Town of Temple shall petition the court within 90 days to "Quiet Title" the property known as the "Town Pound" since it cannot show a deed of ownership and does not have a tax card that references the property. "Quiet Title" will allow the NH Court system to start the process where the "Town Pound" property may legally be transferred to the Town of Temple.
(By petition)

Passed by voice vote

Article 21:

To see if the Town of Temple shall vote to follow the example of other New Hampshire towns by publishing in the Annual Town Report, a separate page which clearly states the total pay and compensations paid to each of its full, part-time, or temporary employees. This page will indicate the employee's name, total salary, hourly wages, overtime, and all other compensations of benefits paid.
(By petition)

Failed by show of voter cards; Yes - 41, No - 81

2010 Election Results