January 3, 2025
members present: Don Kraemer, Will Phillips, Colleen Martin, Silas Little
to order by Don Kraemer at 7:30 p.m.
made by W. Phillips to accept minutes of
12/6/01 with following changes: page 2, line 13, change “respect” to
“reference”. Also, paragraph 2, line 3,
page 2, change “precedence” to “precedent” and add 4 lines from the notice of
decision after line 6, paragraph 2, page 2 to show the motion included “with
the express notation that the Zoning Board of Adjustment has not considered and
has made no decision regarding whether the existing non-conforming structure
and/or non-conforming use are legal. C.
Martin seconded. Voted unanimous affirmative.
p.m. Bruce Kullgren asked if Wireless One had made any changes to the original
plan which the ZBA had approved on 12/6/01.
S. Little and W. Phillips said they were not aware of any changes.
Public Hearing
p.m. Public Hearing concerning an
application for variance made by Nat and Kris Chamberlin. C. Martin read the application and checked
certified cards to be sure all were returned.
Nat Chamberlin made a presentation to the Board showing location of the
lot and proposed mud room/garage addition.
W. Phillips asked if an existing shed in front of the house would
remain. Nat Chamberlin said yes. Nat Chamberlin showed schematics of the
surrounding area. Kris Chamberlin
reiterated the application facts. S.
Little asked if abutter Bruce Kullgren would have any objection with the board
hearing this request because Nat Chamberlin is a member of the board. Bruce Kullgren said no objection. W. Phillips asked for a little more
description of the land behind the house.
Nat Chamberlin explained it consisted of a slope, brook and wet
area. S. Little asked how big the
septic system was. Nat said 3 bedrooms
and they had no plans to add more bedrooms to the residence, space above the
garage would be a playroom. Bruce
Kullgren asked what the final setback dimensions would be. Nat showed him the
schematics. Kris noted to the board
that the Selectmen had no objection to the plan.
p.m. Closed for deliberation per Don Kraemer.
S. Little said he believed the request was within the intended use of
the property. The topography of the
land makes it difficult to consider another location and the boundary in
question abuts a shared driveway, therefore making the setback from the next
lot appear further away. Discussion
followed on the simplex definition of the request and meeting criteria. S. Little moved to grant the request with
the application as submitted. C. Martin
seconded. Voted unanimous
affirmative. S. Little stated the
30-day period for re-hearing.
p.m. Motion made by D. Kraemer, seconded by C. Martin to adjourn meeting.
submitted by Sherry Fiske