August 7, 2025
VOTING BOARD: Chairperson Don Kraemer; Members Honey
Hastings & Silas Little; alternate
member Don Fonda.
CALL TO ORDER: By Mr. Kraemer at 7:30 p.m.
Case # 8/7/2003-1 LEPINE
Robert and Marguerite Lepine have applied for a Variance
from Article 4, Section 5, of the
Ordinance, to permit the construction of a garage closer to the side lot line than is normally allowed, on
Map 5A,
Mr. Kraemer called the roll, explained the procedure for hearing cases and stated that all abutters had been
notified. Ms. Hastings read the Public Notice.
Mr. Lepine explained that he would like to build a 24’ x 24’ two car garage 23’, at the closest point, from the
stone wall on the side of his property which borders Kenneth and Deborah Crowley’s property. He said that
the only other place to put the garage would be between the house and the barn, but that is where both his well and septic tank are located. If he located it in front of the house then it would be in the front setback
the distance from his deck to
Mr. Lepine drew in the locations of the well and septic tank on the sketch of his lot. He said that the shed,
shown on the sketch, is in the same side setback and it has been there since he purchased the property in
1982. He also said that the
how tall the garage roof would be, but said there wouldn’t be a second story. The board determined that the
garage would most likely be under 20’ tall.
Abutters Roger and Mary Nutting gave their support to the project.
Abutter Luke Peterson said that the location of the proposed garage is screened well and he is in favor of
granting the variance.
Ms. Hastings, Mr. Little and Mr. Fonda drove by the property and saw the location of the proposed garage.
Ms. Hastings and Mr. Fonda saw no problem with granting the request.
Board members discussed the importance of keeping the current growth cover intact between the location of
the proposed garage and the side lot line with the Crowleys, so that it looks as if the garage is further away from the lot line than is actually is. They also wanted to be sure that what gets built is a two-stall garage,
located where it is shown on the plan, at least 70’ from the front lot line.
MOTION: Mr. Little moved to grant the variance, finding that the application meets the requirements for
granting a variance, subject to the following: the garage will be a one-story, two-stall garage;
its location will be as shown on plot plan; the applicant will keep a vegetative screen between
where the garage is to be constructed and the closest lot line. Ms. Hastings seconded the motion
and all 4 members were in favor.
Mr. Kraemer announced that the variance had been granted and that the applicant will receive notice of same
in the mail.
MINUTES – 7/3/03
MOTION: Ms. Hastings moved to accept the 7/3/03
minutes as written. Second by Mr. Little and all
in favor.
board members postponed adoption until the next regular meeting.
MOTION: Mr. Kraemer made a motion to adjourn the
meeting, seconded by Mr. Fonda and all in favor.
meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Nilsson, Recording Clerk