Officers |
Anne Lunt President |
Elizabeth Schubert Treasurer |
Jeannie Thibodeux Recording Secretary |
Dave Repak Vice President |
Priscilla Weston Curator |
Carolyn Myrick Corresponding Secretary |
John Kieley School House #6 Committee |
Temple Historical Society, founded in 1941, is a not-for-profit
organization under New Hampshire law. Its purpose is to stimulate
interest in the history of Temple and to discover, secure, and preserve
information and objects relating to that history. Noteworthy
projects have included:
- Archeological digs at the Temple Glass Works and
School House #6
- The publication in 1976 of A History of Temple, NH
- The purchase (1994) of School House #6 (Temples last one-room
schoolhouse in its original condition) and its relocation (2001)
to the triangular field adjacent to the Town Center.
A new, ongoing project is the creation of a written transcript
of the inscriptions on Temple gravestones.
The Society accepts, in the form of gifts or loans, objects and materials
that will aid the cultural enrichment of the community. The members
(approximately 100 in 2002) meet four times a year:
- April (annual meeting)
- June (dinner meeting)
- August (group excursion to a site of historic/cultural interest)
- October
Programs include:
- speakers
- slide presentations
- displays
- discussions
- cooperative activities with other historical societies and town groups
Visitors are always welcome, and a variety of memberships are available.
membership and other information, call Carolyn Myrick - 878-3183.
