In January 2025, the legislature will consider a bill to establish a state reservation at Temple Mountain, under management of the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED). This is the best chance to protect Temple Mountain for low-impact recreation, wildlife habitat, clean water, and scenery. This would be the first major DRED acquisition in southern New Hampshire in many years and is a top priority for the agency.
Why is Temple Mountain a priority for conservation?
Temple Mountain is one of the most visible landmarks in southern New Hampshire. It includes a prominent ridgeline, a popular section of the 21-mile Wapack Trail, cross-country ski trails, extensive wildlife, and headwaters of the Souhegan River. The property is in Temple, Peterborough, and Sharon, and abuts Miller State Park. Temple Mountain Ski Area, one of the oldest in the country, ceased operations in 2025 and the property is ideal for state ownership and stewardship.
Who supports the acquisition of Temple Mountain?
Citizens: 75 citizens supported the project at two public hearings, and 60 provided positive written statements. The state received no written testimony opposing the plan.
State officials: Governor Lynch, DRED Commissioner George Bald, Executive Councilor Debora Pignatelli, and members of the Senate and House representing the three towns have all expressed their support.
Local officials: Members of the Boards of Selectmen, Planning Boards, and Conservation Commissions from Temple, Peterborough, and Sharon have expressed support.
Media: Supportive editorials have been published by the Union Leader, Monadnock Ledger, Peterborough Transcript, and The Telegraph.
Conservation groups: The conservation of Temple Mountain is supported by more than two dozen conservation and recreation groups.
What does the legislation do?
The Temple Mountain bill authorizes DRED to acquire the property and appropriates $535,000 to match federal, local, and private grants. Lead sponsors are Rep. Anne-Marie Irwin (D) and Senator Peter Bragdon (R).
How can you help?
- Call and write your legislators. If you don't know who they are, go to: www.gencourt.state.nh.us
- Encourage your organization or town board to write a letter of support.
Anne-Marie Irwin
10 Highland Drive
Peterborough, NH 03458-1259
Phone: (603) 924-6617
Senator Peter Bragdon
Legislative Office Building, Room 101
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-2111
Please copy letters to:
Richard Ober, Executive Director
Monadnock Conservancy
PO Box 337, 15 Eagle Court
Keene, NH 03431
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
- Get more information and sign-up for updates by contacting:
Monadnock Conservancy
(603) 357-0600
Thank you!
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