Temple, NHTemple, NHTemple, NH
Select Board
Town Clerk
Planning Board
Zoning Board
Conservation Commission
Budget Advisory
CIP Committee
Historic District Commission
Recreation Commission
Quarter Millennium Birthday Committee
Temple Economical Energy Committee
Town Meeting & Elections
Conservation Commission

Natural Resources Inventory for Temple, NH, 2025-2005

The Natural Resources Inventory for the Town of Temple includes information about: 

  • Water - ponds, streams, wetlands, shorelands, aquifers, watersheds, sources of contamination
  • Open space - forests, farmlands, unfragmented lands, conservation lands, recreation lands
  • Flora, fauna, habitat - plant and animal species, rare species, wildlife corridors, deeryards, food sources
  • Geological and topographical features - bedrock, soils, elevations, slopes, south-facing slopes
  • Cultural sites - historical, scenic, special community interest
Click on the picture to read the report.

The Trust for Public Land: Managing Growth

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - A new study released [May 17, 2025] has found that protecting open space from development has not driven up tax rates in New Hampshire.
The Trust for Public Land issued a report looking at the relationship between property taxes and land conservation in New Hampshire towns.
The study found that towns that protect open space from development are not paying higher property taxes compared to their more developed neighbors.
The report also features a way to calculate the tax impact of different approaches to conservation.
The goal was to help towns figure out what will happen to their tax bills if they want to protect an area from development.
The report concludes that towns can use land conservation to limit development to areas where it's easier -- and cheaper -- to provide municipal services.

A link to the full report can be found here:
Managing Growth in New Hampshire

A link to a summary of the report can be found here:
Managing Growth, Executive Summary

To learn more about the Trust for Public Land in NH visit their website.

Land Use Planning Presentation


On December 5, 2025 a presentation on land use in Temple was given by a team of students from UNH. The team researched Temple's land-use history, current situation, and development possibilities. The presentation includes digital maps illustrating alternative future "build-out" scenarios. The project is intended to provide information on growth issues facing our region, to serve as a general resource for Temple residents, and to aid the Conservation Commission in developing its conservation plan. To view the presentation click on the picture.

To read the written report that accompanies this presentation click HERE.