The Temple Newsletter is produced bimonthly by the Temple Volunteer Fire Department
Auxiliary. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide information for upcoming events and
pertinent information regarding community organizations.
Typed or handwritten copy is accepted. Please Email an electronic file, saved in any major
Windows-based word processing file format, to, or drop off a typed
or handwritten copy at the store. Keep in mind when writing, that it's important for submitted
articles to be appropriately written for the general public. While some editing might take place,
all items are subject to editing for length (if greater than 250 words) or inappropriate content.
The Fire Dept. Auxiliary offers Newsletter subscriptions. To have a one year subscription
mailed to you, please mail $5.00 along with your name and address to:
P.O. Box 80, Temple, NH 03084. Make checks payable to the Temple Fire Dept. Auxiliary.
Donations are always needed to help the Temple Newsletter to pay for production costs.
Any organization in town that uses the newsletter for communications is asked to consider
making a donation. Donations from individuals are also welcome. Please make checks payable
to the Temple Fire Auxiliary and mail to P.O. Box 80, Temple NH 03084. Thank you for your support.